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Confluent Platform

Building scalable microservices with Java Spring Boot, Confluent Kafka, and AWS ECS CloudFormation

In the ever-evolving world of software development, building scalable and resilient microservices has become essential. Java Spring Boot, Confluent Kafka, and Amazon…

Exploring EmbeddedKafka and KafkaContainers in Spring Boot

Exploring EmbeddedKafka and KafkaContainers in Spring Boot

Apache Kafka has become a pivotal component in modern software development for building distributed event driven and streaming applications. When working with Kafka…

Deploying Confluent Connectors on AWS ECS

Deploying Confluent Connectors on AWS ECS

Apache Kafka has become a cornerstone in building scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant data pipelines. Confluent, a company founded by the creators of Kafka,…

Improving Confluent Infrastructure-as-Code efficiency with Terragrunt

Configuring Confluent infrastructure with Terraform can be daunting due to the intricate interdependencies, intricate security settings, dynamic scaling needs,…

Confluent Kafka consumer best practices

Apache Kafka is a robust and scalable platform for building a real-time streaming platform. Kafka's consumer applications are critical components that enable organisations…

Top 10 Security practices for Confluent Kafka with AWS Elastic Container Service

Top 10 Security practices for Confluent Kafka with AWS Elastic Container Service

Data breaches and cyberattacks are growing concerns among many companies. In this context, the integration of Confluent Kafka with AWS Elastic Container Service…

Kafka Producer Best Practices: Enabling Reliable Data Streaming

Kafka Producer Best Practices: Enabling Reliable Data Streaming

When data is in motion, it is fluid, just like water flowing in a river. Kafka is truly a powerful platform for real-time data streaming. In the Kafka ecosystem,…

Confluent Platform on AWS Outposts

Confluent Platform on AWS Outposts

AWS Outposts truly provides a new paradigm for running on-premises workloads together with Confluent Platform for event-driven, hybrid, and mission-critical use…

Confluent Control Center

Confluent Control Center

It’s all very well to have the power and flexibility of command-line and API tools to manage complex systems, but sometimes it’s nice, particularly for those…

Keep your data secure with the Confluent Platform

Keep your data secure with the Confluent Platform

The Confluent Platform is the central nervous system for a business, uniting an organisation around an Apache Kafka based single version and source of truth. It…